May 16: Congratulations to Dr Stephanie Barnes on this award to investigate novel treatment strategies for Fragile X Syndrome. The award was granted to fund a project that focuses on testing a novel treatment strategy for correcting one of the the core deficits associated with the mouse model of fragile x syndrome. Steph completed her PhD in neuroscience in 2014 in the groups of David Wyllie and Peter Kind within CIP. Her project focused on investigating the synaptic pathophysiology associated with two monogenic causes of intellectual disability/Autism spectrum disorders. She then took up a postdoctoral research position within Dr. Emily Osterweil's laboratory at CIP where she now investigates dysregulated protein synthesis in models of intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorders in the hope of identifying novel treatment strategies for these disorders. Related links FRAXA - Finding a Cure for Fragile X This article was published on 2022-10-17