The research theme is exploring the cellular and molecular mechanisms that underpin cell and tissue differentiation, resilience to injury, and repair processes. Highly differentiated tissues, such as the central nervous system, are constantly exposed to a variety of challenges. These include mechanical injury, degeneration, inflammation, and uncontrolled growth. In this theme, groups cooperate to discover the cellular and molecular mechanisms that underpin cell and tissue differentiation, resilience to injury, and repair processes. We employ a variety of cellular models, model organisms, and screening approaches. This maximises synergy between groups in making fundamental discoveries and expediting translation of these to clinical research. Theme Lead: Name Research interest Brophy, Peter Assembly and structure of nodes of Ranvier and the Axon Initial Segment Fowler, Jill Mechanisms of neurodegeneration in stroke and dementia Hall, Andrew Chondrocytes, cartilage and osteoarthritis Miron, Veronique Microglia influencing white matter in health, disease, and ageing Paxton, Jennifer Musculoskeletal tissue engineering Sieger, Dirk Microglia-tumour interactions Torsney, Carole Somatosensory plasticity Wyllie, David Physiology and pharmacology of ion channels This article was published on 2022-10-17