Archived news from the Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences 2016 Native Scientist meets Edinburgh German School Nov 2016: CIP took part in an annual Native Scientist public engagement event with the Edinburgh German School giving young children an insight into the world of science. New Academic Track Lecturers Oct 2016: A very warm welcome to our new Academic Zhejiang Track Lecturers who recently joined the CIP. Alison Douglas PhD Dissertation Prize 2016 Sept 16: Congratulation to Rachael Powis and Lukas Solanka for receiving the prize for the best PhD dissertation. eLIFE publication for Dr Nathalie Rochefort and her team Sept 2016: Congratulations to the Rochefort lab for their findings on neuronal activities in the primary visual cortex. Joint Centre Symposium 2016 Sept 2016: Great success for our third annual Deanery Symposium Muscular Dystrophy Association research grant for Murray lab Aug 2016: Congratulations to Dr Lyndsay Murray and her team on receiving this award for their work on Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). Cancer drug may effect fertility Aug 2016: Chemotherapy treatment during pregnancy may affect the future fertility of unborn baby girls, a study by Prof Norah Spears suggests BBSRC grant awarded to Theil lab Aug 2016: Congratulation to Dr Thomas Theil and his team on this award to study stem cells in the developing brain. Science Insights 2016 July 2016: A great success for the Science Insights College wide work experience programme. Carnegie Research Incentive Grant awarded to the Denholm lab July 2016: Congratulations to the Denholm lab for award to explore the physiological mechanisms underpinning one of most powerful water-conserving systems known to nature. Society for Reproduction and Fertility (SRF) Postdoctoral Prize for best presentation July 2016: Congratulations to Dr Agnes Stefansdottir who has been awarded the SRF Postdoctoral Prize for her presentation on Cancer treatment during pregnancy. Success for joint CIP-CNR PhD Symposium June 2016: 2nd year PhD-students from the CNR and the CIP brilliantly presented their work in a 3 min thesis competition format. CIP Researchers at Downing Street for ERUK's Reception May 16: Research grant awardees Professor David Wyllie and Dr Alfredo Gonzalez-Sulser recently attended a Reception at 11 Downing Street to mark ERUK’s 25thAnniversary. Wellcome Investigator Award for Prof Matthew Nolan May 2016: Congratulations on this award to research neuron interaction and their roles in encoding location and influencing behaviour. FRAXA postdoctoral fellowship award for Dr Stephanie Barnes May 16: Congratulations to Dr Stephanie Barnes on this award to investigate novel treatment strategies for Fragile X Syndrome. Best 3 minute thesis talk on Edinburgh Neuroscience Day April 16: Congratulations to Katie Marwick who received a prize on Edinburgh Neuroscience Day for her presentation on her PhD findings in just 3 minutes. Funding Award form Orthopaedic Research UK for Paxton lab April 16: Congratulations to Dr Jennifer Paxton and her team on this award to develop an in vitro model of the flexor-tendon-to-bone enthesis. Kendell Award for Teaching in Medicine for Prof Jamie Davies April 16: The EUSA Teaching Award recognises excellent teaching and student support at the University of Edinburgh. Epilepsy Research UK Fellowship for Dr Alfredo Gonzalez-Sulser April 16: Congratulations to Alfredo for obtaining this award to investigate whether stimulating medial septal projections can block seizures in temporal lobe epilepsy. EU Marie Sklodovska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship Award March 16: Congratulations to Dr Aida Costa on being awarded the prestigious EU Marie Sklodovska-Curie Fellowship. BBSRC award for the Price lab March 16: Congratulations to Prof David Price and his team on this award to investigate how the cerebral cortex develops a correct balance of its two major cell types. MRC grant success for David Price and his team Feb 16: Congratulations to Prof David Price on this award to study forebrain defects caused by Pax6 haploinsufficiency. Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship for Duguid group Feb 16: Congratulations to Dr Ian Duguid and his team for their major funding success to explore cellular and circuit mechanisms that control movement. New Treatment hope for sleep disordered breathing Feb 16: People with a condition that causes them to stop breathing in their sleep could be helped by new research. This article was published on 2022-10-20