Research groups

Information about the Centre's Principal Investigators and their research groups.

Table of all PIs with links to profile pages.

NameResearch interestResearch theme
Almeida, RafaelSynaptic and non-synaptic neurotransmission in the zebrafish nervous systemSynapses, Circuits and Behaviour  
Baranovic, JelenaStructure and function of neuroreceptors, synaptic transmission, ion channels, electrophysiologySynapses, Circuits and Behaviour         
Booker, Sam ANeurotransmitter signallingSynapses, Circuits and Behaviour  
Bowles, KathrynGenetic mechanisms underlying tauopathiesAgeing and Degeneration   
Brophy, PeterAssembly and structure of nodes of Ranvier and the Axon Initial SegmentInjury and Repair
Brunton, PaulaStress PhysiologySignalling, Homeostasis and Energy Balance     
Clemens, AnnNeural circuits of social behaviourSynapses, Circuits and Behaviour
Cobb, Stuart Novel therapies for neurodevelopmental disordersSynapses, Circuits and Behaviour 
Cousin, MichaelPresynaptic Cell BiologySynapses, Circuits and Behaviour 
Davies, JamieOrganogenesis, synthetic biology, databasesGenes and Development                   
Daw, MichaelDevelopmental Physiology of the Barrel CortexSynapses, Circuits and Behaviour        
Denholm, BarryOrgan development and physiologyGenes and Development   
Díaz Castro, BlancaMolecular and cellular mechanisms that link brain vascular dysfunction and dementiaAgeing and Degeneration 
Doitsidou, MariaDegeneration of dopaminergic neuronsAgeing and Degeneration                  
Donlin-Asp, PaulDeciphering the molecular logic regulating RNA capture and local protein synthesis at the synapseSynapses, Circuits and Behaviour   
Dudchenko, Paul  
Duguid, IanNeural circuits and motor behaviourSynapses, Circuits and Behaviour        
Duncan, Peter, JCorticotroph cells and the stress responseSignalling, Homeostasis and Energy Balance    
Durrant, ClaireSynapse loss in neurodegenerative diseasesAgeing and Degeneration           
Evans, MarkCalcium signalling & hypoxia-response coupling

Synapses, Circuits and Behaviour 

Signalling, Homeostasis and Energy Balance         

Faller, KiterieMRC Clinician Scientist Fellow, Senior Lecturer 
Fleetwood-Walker, SusanMolecular mechanisms of pain and analgesiaSynapses, Circuits and Behaviour 
Fowler, JillMechanisms of neurodegeneration in stroke and dementiaAgeing and Degeneration
Gan, JianCognitive neurophysiology in disease and behaviourAgeing and Degeneration  
Gillingwater, TomNew therapies for neurodegenerative diseasesSynapses, Circuits and Behaviour                  
Gonzalez-Sulser, AlfredoNetwork analysis and therapeutic strategies in epilepsySynapses, Circuits and Behaviour  
Greiss, SebastianGenetic code expansion and neural circuitsSynapses, Circuits and Behaviour                  
Hall, AndrewChondrocytes, cartilage and osteoarthritisAgeing and Degeneration          
Hardingham, GilesProtective & degenerative signalling in the CNSAgeing and Degeneration       
Hardt, OliverCellular mechanisms and brains systems underpinning natural and dysregulated forgettingSynapses, Circuits and Behaviour 
Hasel, PhilipAstrocyte subtypes at brain bordersGenes and Development  
Horsburgh, KarenInfluence of vascular dysfunction on cognitive decline: relevant to ageing, vascular and Alzheimer's diseaseAgeing and Degeneration
Jackson, MandyPurkinje cell dysfunction and degenerationAgeing and Degeneration               
Jarman, AndrewDevelopmental control of sensory neurogenesis and ciliogenesisGenes and Development  
Jones, RossStructure and function of the human neuromuscular junctionSynapses, Circuits and Behaviour   
Jordan, RebeccaNeuronal mechanisms of learning and predictionSynapses, Circuits and Behaviour  
Karnani, MaheshNeural circuits of driveSynapses, Circuits and Behaviour   
Kind, PeterDisorders of Brain DevelopmentSynapses, Circuits and Behaviour                  
Le Tissier, PaulRegulation of the anterior pituitary glandGenes and Development               
Livingstone, DawnSteroid hormone signallingSignalling, Homeostasis and Energy Balance                       
Ludwig, MikeNeuropeptides and their effects on behaviourSignalling, Homeostasis and Energy Balance                    
Luksys, GediComputational cognitive neuroscienceSynapses, Circuits and Behaviour  
Lyons, DavidMechanisms of myelinated axon formation, function and repairGenes and Development  
Maciver, SutherlandThe protein Actin and the biology of amoebaeGenes and Development                   
Mason, JohnEmbryonic development of the forebrainGenes and Development        
MacGregor, Duncan  
McColl, BarryNeuroimmune mechanisms influencing brain injury and diseaseAgeing and DegenerationInjury and Repair  
McLean, DavidDevelopment and function of locomotor circuitrySynapses, Circuits and Behaviour
Meijer, DiesMolecular genetics of myelination and synapse formationGenes and Development  
Menzies, JohnAppetite control and food choiceSignalling, Homeostasis and Energy Balance                          
Mitchell, RoryReceptor-mediated signal transductionSynapses, Circuits and Behaviour               
Miron, VeroniqueMicroglia influencing white matter in health, disease, and ageingInjury and Repair
Morris, RichardNeurobiology of learning and memorySynapses, Circuits and Behaviour
Murray, JoanneGrowth and development of the ovarian follicleGenes and Development                     
Murray, LyndsayDegeneration of motor neuronsAgeing and Degeneration                 
Nolan, MatthewNeural circuits and computationSynapses, Circuits and Behaviour       
O'Hara, LauraSex steroid receptors in the hypothalamus and pituitaryGenes and Development
Opazo, PatricioSynaptic repair mechanisms for the diseased brainSynapses, Circuits and Behaviour     
Pagan, MarinoNeural mechanisms underlying flexible decision-makingSynapses, Circuits and Behaviour   
Paxton, JenniferMusculoskeletal tissue engineeringInjury and Repair                  
Pennetta, GiusyMolecular mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseasesAgeing and Degeneration                 
Pratt, TomRoles of carbohydrates in the developing brainGenes and Development                 
Price, DavidHow brains are madeGenes and Development              
Qiu, JingMicroglial signalingAgeing and Degeneration 
Ribeiro dos Louros, SusanaNeurodevelopmental disordersSynapses, Circuits and Behaviour   
Robinson, NickNeural coding and circuits for episodic memorySynapses, Circuits and Behaviour   
Rochefort, NathalieNeuronal processing of visual informationSynapses, Circuits and Behaviour                   
Romano, NicolaSingle cell information processing in the pituitarySignalling, Homeostasis and Energy Balance                 
Rosario, RoseanneOvarian biology and female fertilityGenes and Development 
Shipston, MikeIon channel physiologySignalling, Homeostasis and Energy Balance         
Sibley, ChrisRegulation of RNA metabolism in neurological diseaseGenes and Development 
Sieger, DirkMicroglia-tumour interactions.Injury and Repair
Simmen, MartinComputational modelling of nucleosome positionsGenes and Development                  
Skehel, PaulMolecular mechanisms of neurodegenerationAgeing and Degeneration                
Smillie, KarenSynaptic vesicle recyclingSynapses, Circuits and Behaviour 
Spears, NorahThe effect of chemotherapy treatment on fertilityGenes and Development                  
Spires-Jones, TaraDegenerative brain diseases and ageingAgeing and Degeneration
Sürmeli, GülşenNeural circuits of memorySynapses, Circuits and Behaviour   
Telfer, EvelynFollicle and oocyte developmentGenes and Development                 
Theil, ThomasPatterning and axon pathfinding in the forebrainGenes and Development                
Till, SallyBiological mechanisms underlying neurodevelopmental disordersSynapses, Circuits and Behaviour 
Torsney, CaroleSomatosensory plasticitySynapses, Circuits and Behaviour    
van den Driesche, SanderMale reproductive health and disordersGenes and Development             
Wood, EmmaMemory and SpaceSynapses, Circuits and Behaviour 
Wyllie, DavidPhysiology and pharmacology of ion channelsSynapses, Circuits and Behaviour               
Zoupi, LidaAxon-myelin interactions in health and neurodevelopmental disordersGenes and Development