Mason and Price lab members meet FOXG1 families

Members of the Mason and Price labs met with families affected by the neurodevelopmental disorder FOXG1 Syndrome at a recent event in Birmingham.


FOXG1 Syndrome is an autism spectrum disorder caused by mutations in the FOXG1 gene. The syndrome affects multiple aspects of brain development and affected children typically have severe intellectual disability. Abnormal movements, such as repeated hand motions are common, and most affected children don’t learn to sit or walk without assistance.


The first ever European FOXG1 Symposium brought together FOXG1 families with an international group of researchers studying the normal function of FOXG1, and how its absence leads to FOXG1 Syndrome. During the event, David Price described work using mouse models of FOXG1 Syndrome, and John Mason described how a new approach based on stem cell-derived organoids can be used to understand how FOXG1 influences human brain development. Lab members Calvin Chan and Jonothon Marshall also presented their work on FOXG1.


The event allowed scientists to meet children affected by FOXG1 Syndrome and their families, giving them a better understanding of the effects of the disorder. Families were able to ask the scientists about their work and its relevance to their children. Both parents and scientists gained very useful insights from the day.


Further Information

Foxg1 Research Foundation 

Mason Lab Research group

Price Lab Research group