Congratulations to Professor Gareth Leng (Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences) and his son Dr Rhodri Leng (School of Social Sciences) who have published a new book called The Matter of Facts - which explores how scientists produce and use evidence. Image The myth of science is that scientists constantly challenge their own thinking. But in reality, all scientists are in the business of persuading other scientists of the importance of their own ideas, and they do so by combining reason with rhetoric. Often, they look for evidence that will support their ideas, not for evidence that might contradict them; often, they present evidence in a way that makes it appear to be supportive; and often, they ignore inconvenient evidence. In a series of essays focusing on controversies, disputes, and discoveries, the authors vividly portray science as a human activity, driven by passion as well as by reason. By analyzing the fluidity of scientific concepts and the dynamic and unpredictable development of scientific fields, the authors paint a picture of modern science and the pressures it faces. Prof Leng and Dr Leng are lined up to give a Google Talk in April as well as radio interviews in 2020. Further information The Matter of Facts book on the MITPress page Professor Gareth Leng's research profile Dr Rhordi Leng's research profile This article was published on 2022-10-17