Brenda Murage's biography and research focus. Contact type Person First name Brenda Surname Murage Title Miss Role PhD Student - Jackson & Skehel Labs Organisation 1 Hugh Robson Building Organisation 2 15 George Square Organisation 3 Edinburgh, EH8 9XD Email Personal Profile BSc Pharmacology at London Metropolitan University MSc at King's College London PhD at the University of Edinburgh commenced September 2017 Research My project involves a long-term study into the effects of a mutation in the VAPB protein related to a rare form of motor neuron disease known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 8 (ALS8). By observing behavioural changes in motor function, physical changes to motor neurons and skeletal muscles, and biochemical changes in cells of interest in rats, I hope to help establish an animal model that will provide insights into the initiation and progression of this debilitating and fatal disease. This article was published on 2022-10-17
Contact type Person First name Brenda Surname Murage Title Miss Role PhD Student - Jackson & Skehel Labs Organisation 1 Hugh Robson Building Organisation 2 15 George Square Organisation 3 Edinburgh, EH8 9XD Email