Michelle Sanchez Rivera's biography and research focus. Contact type Person First name Michelle Surname Sanchez Rivera Title Miss Role PhD Student - Duguid Lab Organisation 1 Hugh Robson Building Organisation 2 15 George Square Organisation 3 Edinburgh, EH8 9XD Email M.Sanchez-Rivera@sms.ed.ac.uk Personal Profile I have an undergraduate degree in Biology from UNAM, Mexico (2009-2013). To complement my studies, I attended numerous courses from the Mathematics programme and participated in courses and conferences hosted by the UNAM Mathematical Biology Group. I obtained an MSc by Research in Integrative Neuroscience from the University of Edinburgh (2016-2017). Research My research focusses on how corticospinal neurons in the motor cortex encode different aspects of controlled movement such as initiation and suppression. I use two-photon calcium imaging to record dendritic activity in awake behaving mice in order to study the computations carried out in dendrites that transform sensorimotor and modulatory inputs into behaviourally relevant activity. This article was published on 2022-10-17
Contact type Person First name Michelle Surname Sanchez Rivera Title Miss Role PhD Student - Duguid Lab Organisation 1 Hugh Robson Building Organisation 2 15 George Square Organisation 3 Edinburgh, EH8 9XD Email M.Sanchez-Rivera@sms.ed.ac.uk