Cristina Martinez Gonzalez

Research Fellow

Dr Cristina Martínez González

Hugh Robson Building

15 George Square

Edinburgh, EH8 9XD

Contact details




Web: Duguid Lab Research Group


My research aims to understand the mechanisms underlying ASD. I use neuronal activity markers combined with optical tissue clearing and light-sheet microscopy to map hyper- or hypo-activated neurons in the entire brain.

Personal profile

  • 2017-present                  Post-doctoral research fellow. Simons Initiative for the Development Brain (SIDB). University of Edinburgh.
  • 2016- 2016                       Visiting Post-doctoral fellow at Prof. Catherina Becker’s group. University of Edinburgh.
  • 2013-2016                        Post-doctoral scientist at Prof. Gregoire Courtine’s group. EPFL, Switzerland.
  • 2007-2012                         D.Phil in Neurosciences. University of Oxford, UK.
  • 2004-2006                         M.Sc. in Biochemistry. UNAM, Mexico.
  • 2000-2004                         B.Sc. in Basic biomedical research.   UNAM, Mexico.
Light-sheet images of intact mouse brains

A light-sheet microscopy imaging and 3D analysis facility based at the University of Edinburgh that is open to everyone in the research community.

What do we do:

  • Tissue processing (optical clearing including RatDISCO, histology and immunolabelling)
  • Imaging of whole/intact tissue using 3D light-sheet microscopy
  • 3D image analysis and figures (FIJI, QUINT, ARIVIS)


  • Scope for developing new correlative imaging technologies, viral tracing and light-sheet microscopy.
  • Collaborative writing and figures for grants and funding applications.