Understanding fear responses and the circuitry underlying these behaviours in rat models of neurodevelopmental disorders. Contact type Person First name Natasha Surname Anstey Title Dr Role Postdoctoral Research Fellow Organisation 1 Hugh Robson Building Organisation 2 15 George Square Organisation 3 Edinburgh, EH8 9XD Work phone 07577787622 Email natasha.anstey@ed.ac.uk Personal profile 2020 - Present: Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Edinburgh 2016 - 2020: PhD at the University of Edinburgh 2017 - 2017: Visiting student at the Centre for Brain Development and Repair, Bangalore, India 2012 - 2016: BSc Hons Biomedical Sciences (Neuroscience) at the University of Edinburgh Research My current research is focussed on understanding fear responses and the circuitry underlying these behaviours in rat models of neurodevelopmental disorders. I use a combination of in vitro electrophysiology such as whole-cell patch clamp and extracellular field recordings, as well as behavioural analysis and in vivo electrophysiological recordings in awake behaving animals. Publications Booker, S., Simões de Oliveira, L., Anstey, N., Kozic, Z., Dando, O., Jackson, A., Baxter, P., Isom, L., Sherman, D., Hardingham, G., Brophy, P., Wyllie, D. and Kind, P., 2020. Input-Output Relationship of CA1 Pyramidal Neurons Reveals Intact Homeostatic Mechanisms in a Mouse Model of Fragile X Syndrome. Cell Reports, 32(6), p.107988. This article was published on 2022-10-17
Contact type Person First name Natasha Surname Anstey Title Dr Role Postdoctoral Research Fellow Organisation 1 Hugh Robson Building Organisation 2 15 George Square Organisation 3 Edinburgh, EH8 9XD Work phone 07577787622 Email natasha.anstey@ed.ac.uk