My research combines optical clearing with whole-brain light-sheet microscopy to identify neuronal circuit alterations in rodent models of neurodevelopmental disorders. Dr Cristina Martínez González Research FellowHugh Robson Building15 George SquareEdinburgh, EH8 9XDContact detailsEmail: Website: SIDB.orgLSM3D: Light-Sheet Microscopy and 3D Analysis Personal profile2017-present: Post-doctoral research fellow, Simons Initiative for the Development Brain (SIDB), University of Edinburgh2016-2016: Visiting Post-doctoral fellow at Prof. Catherina Becker’s group, University of Edinburgh2013-2016: Post-doctoral scientist at Prof. Gregoire Courtine’s group, EPFL, Switzerland2007-2012: D.Phil in Neurosciences, University of Oxford, UK2004-2006: M.Sc. in Biochemistry, UNAM, Mexico2000-2004: B.Sc. in Basic biomedical research, UNAM, MexicoResearchMy research aims to understand the mechanisms underlying ASD. I use neuronal activity markers combined with optical tissue clearing and light-sheet microscopy to map hyper- or hypo-activated neurons in the entire brain. Light-Sheet Microscopy and 3D Analysis (LSM3D)A light-sheet microscopy imaging and 3D analysis facility based at the University of Edinburgh that is open to everyone in the research community.What do we do:Tissue processing (optical clearing including RatDISCO, histology and immunolabelling)Imaging of whole/intact tissue using 3D light-sheet microscopy3D image analysis and figures (FIJI, QUINT, ARIVIS)Plus:Scope for developing new correlative imaging technologies, viral tracing and light-sheet microscopy.Collaborative writing and figures for grants and funding applications.Relevant PublicationsRatDISCO, a new clearing and immunolabeling protocol for large brains. Martinez-Gonzalez C*., Craigie, K*., Till, S., Van De Gevel,B., Kind, P., Rochefort, N., Duguid, I., Nolan, M.F. In preparation.Excessive proteostasis contributes to pathology in Fragile X Syndrome. Louros*, SR., Seo, S.S*., Maio, B, Martinez-Gonzalez, C., Gonzalez-Lozano, M.A., Muscas, M., Verity, N.C., Wills, J.C., Wan Li,K., Nolan, M.F., Osterweil, E.K. Neuron. 2023 Feb 15;111(4):508-525.e7. septal GABAergic neurons reduce seizure duration upon optogenetic closed-loop stimulation. Hristova K*., Martinez-Gonzalez C*., Watson TC*,. Codadu, N., Hashemu,K., Kind, P., Nolan, M.F., Gonzalez-Sulser, A. Brain 22;144(5). *Indicates equal first-authorship contribution. Multi-pronged neuromodulation therapies engaging the residual motor circuitry to enable walking after spinal cord injury. Bonizzato, M., Pidpruzhnykova, G., Pavlova, N., Shkorbatova, P., Martinez-Gonzalez, C., DiGiovanna, J., Barraud, Q., Micera, S., and Courtine, G. Nature Communications, 12(1), 1925. Cortico–reticulo–spinal circuit reorganization enables functional recovery after severe spinal cord contusion. Asboth, L*., Friedli, L*., Beauparlant, J*., Martinez-Gonzalez, C*., Anil, S., Rey, E., Baud,L., Pidpruzhnykova, G., Anderson, M.A., Shkorbatova, P., Batti, L., Pages, S., Kreider, J., Schneider, B.L., Barraud, Q., and Courtine. G. Nature Neuroscience, 21(4), 576-588. Stellate cells in the medial entorhinal cortex are required for spatial learning. Tennant, S.A., Fischer, L., Garden, D.L.F., Gerlei, K.S., Martinez-Gonzalez, C., McClure, C., Wood, E.R., and Nolan, M.F. Cell Reports 22(5), 1313–1324. Divergent motor projections from the pedunculopontine nucleus are differentially regulated in Parkinsonism (2014). Martinez-Gonzalez, C., Micklem, B., van Andel, J., Bolam, J.P. & Mena-Segovia, J. Brain structure and function, 219(4), 1451–1462. of cholinergic, GABAergic and glutamatergic neurons in the pedunculopontine nucleus contain calcium-binding proteins and are heterogeneously distributed. Martinez-Gonzalez, C., Wang. H-L., Micklem, B., Bolam, J.P. & Mena-Segovia, J. European Journal of Neuroscience, 35(5), 723-734. Organization of the pedunculopontine nucleus. Martinez-Gonzalez, C., Bolam, J.P. & Mena-Segovia, J. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, 5:22-31. Public engagement SoapBox Edinburgh 2024. Brighton 2023. of Science speaker at the national postdoc appreciation week (NPAW2021). Commercialisation and technology transfer Invention disclosure: RatDISCO a new immunolabelling and clearing protocol for intact brain tissue (2023). Application EI0000698, University of Edinburgh, UK. This article was published on 2022-10-17